Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Tuesday, January 26, 2010
wahooo~~~工作渐渐顺利,上司开始对我认同,和我玩笑,好开心哦~原来真的是万事起头难,现在已经习惯了,虽然还是会做错东西,会被骂,但现在多了很多称赞,开心!今天我的部门来了一位新男同事,可能就是要取代我了,上司把我换位,让给他坐。说真的,心里难免会不舒服,但是毕竟我只是个part-time来打工而已,当然要让位给正式员工。hehe,还记得以前我是新来的,要人家教我做东西,现在换我教人咯!但是我这个“老师”教起人来还是blur blur的,搞得他也blur blur了,哈,真是不好意思~丽雯的脚伤还好吗?好多天没来了,不过我想明天她应该回来了吧?!

Monday, January 18, 2010

miss u all so much~

Monday, January 18, 2010
last weekend,my uncle and his family came from Australia to KL.His two children are very very cute!!!this two little boys are naughty~.whoa, during these two days,my house was full of happiness,now they gone,my house is like pin drop silent...they wont come again so fast,may be 1 year or 2 years laterT_T gonna miss them~~~!!!

jesmond(didi) &justin(gor gor) *actually i more like didi~haha~


act like a chicken~wahaha



Bye bye~~~jie jie will always miss both of u ~~~

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Sunday, January 10, 2010
突然间觉得自己很失败。。。。处理什么事都处理得很失败。。。最近工作很不顺利,我现在才尝试到什么是被人针对,被上司骂。原来踏入这社会是要受委屈,受上司的气,也没有反驳的余地,只好忍气吞声,要哭就在暗地里哭T_T 做工真的很不同读书。以前读书只要勤劳,就会考到好成绩,可是以前被人人认为读书厉害的我,现在却变成一个工作白痴。。。工作不是勤劳就可以的,要看你的工作表现,工作态度,记忆力,反应快,应付能力。。。我因为一次排错file就被上司否定我一切的工作表现,不OT就被认为是懒惰,记错东西就是记忆力差,说话只是e,ah,oh就是没礼貌,要说话却不太敢说就是没自信,叫我找东西我就变得慌张,唯一的优点只是写字美。。。被批成这样,自信心简直掉进谷底。哭都不敢给他们看到,不然就被加多一条罪名-爱哭鬼。看到上司就觉得很大的压力!爸妈都说你拿人家越高的薪水压力就越大,不然人家的薪水将容易拿嗒?每个人都说做工时这样的啦!!!我知道我已经不是那整天在家备受保护的动物了,要到外头去受下苦。虽然现在我被骂,被讲,容易流泪,没自信,怕上司,可是我相信我一定会做出好成绩来的!!!不跌倒又怎么会爬起来呢?错了就会记住!!!少少苦楚等于激励!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Singapore trip

Friday, January 1, 2010
In Singapore
Singapore is a modern city,everyone is following the law,unlike in Malaysia,can throw rubbish or spit everywhere,no saman also.At there,we cant cross the road as we like,muz follow the law,cross the road the traffic light is green!no wonder Singaporean are more stressful than Malaysian.

on the way

After 4 hours,we reached at Johor kastam,after that,went to singapore kastam,took bus to go to the singapore city.SO hungry...went to pasta mania to eat pasta,delicious!!!

Outside a shopping complex

merry christmas!~

like a love shape

with my cousins


Guess where we were?haha,at Singapore MRT=Malaysia LRT.BUT,LRT is lousy,MRT is great!not only fast,in MRT,the services are good.besides that,we can go everywhere by taking MRT only.such a good transport system in singapore!not only their MRT is fast,most of the escalator there are fast too.my first time to take the fast escalator.in Malaysia, our escalator here are slow like...but it is better,at least our old age here wont fall down when taking escalator.

Another shopping center-Takashimaya


guess wat is the christmas tree made up of?

is this!!!want to eat?

At Vivo City shopping centre

beside the sea.A shopping complex beside the sea.

another thing I found in singapore,that is singapore is a shopping paradise.All shirts,skirts,dress there are cheap and nice.mostly are cost around Sing$10 only.convert back to malaysia ringgit is around RM25.very very suitable for girls who like to buy clothes but not for boys.

thats all....a wonderful memories in Singapore.


NEW year, NEW hopes, NEW life, NEW difficulties~

HAPPY 18 years live in this world.

Yesterday went to kee yean's house party...thx kee yean for providing us a lot of foods...yummy!but so sad cant countdown with u all TT.maybe this was the last time we gathered together coz after a long time only we can meet each other.by the way,wish all my friends good luck &happy new year!!!
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